A number of PhD scholarships are available at the Institute of Informatics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (http://www.inf.ufrgs.br), in Porto Alegre, Brazil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porto_Alegre ). Applications are welcome in most areas of research in Computer Science. Prof. Ana Bazzan is seeking outstanding applicants interested in research on Multiagent learning, Traffic Simulation, and Coordination & Task Allocation; Prof. Rafael Bordini is seeking outstanding applicants interested in Formal Verification of Multi-Agent Systems, Multi-Agent Oriented Programming, and Development of Autonomous Software Applications. The most promising applicants, regardless of research area, are selected by the Post-graduate Programme in Computing (http://ppgc.inf.ufrgs.br) to receive the available scholarships (including a stipend of about 1200 USD pcm, which is over 3 times the minimum wage in Brazil). Deadline for application is 2nd of June and applications should be made at:
We are also interested in post-doc research associates in those same areas of research. In Brazil, there is a number of opportunities for funding post-doc positions but it requires applying to the funding agencies on an individual basis. Researchers who recently finished or are about to finish a PhD in the topics above in well-known research groups in the area of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems are encouraged to contact Prof. Ana Bazzan (bazzan@inf.ufrgs.br) or Prof. Rafael Bordini (r.bordini@inf.ufrgs.br) to discuss common interests for submitting a joint post-doc grant proposal.
We are also interested in post-doc research associates in those same areas of research. In Brazil, there is a number of opportunities for funding post-doc positions but it requires applying to the funding agencies on an individual basis. Researchers who recently finished or are about to finish a PhD in the topics above in well-known research groups in the area of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems are encouraged to contact Prof. Ana Bazzan (bazzan@inf.ufrgs.br) or Prof. Rafael Bordini (r.bordini@inf.ufrgs.br) to discuss common interests for submitting a joint post-doc grant proposal.