Postdoc Researcher in Geochemistry or Environmental Science

Diposkan oleh Jurnalis on Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Environmental Sciences Division (ESD),, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL),, has between one and two post-doctoral positions available immediately.  We see team oriented candidates with a broad interest and experience with the applying experimental and computational techniques to study low-temperature mineral/glass dissolution processes under near-equilibrium conditions. Candidates are being sorted to support a range of projects focused on developing an improved understanding of mineral and glass weathering across a range of time- and
length-scales to predict contaminant release and migration from subsurface/geologic disposal environments.  Within this broad context, the candidate is expected to contribute to existing projects related to mineral and natural glass weathering that relates mineral/glass structural properties, measured with various spectroscopic techniques, with processes occurring at the mineral-water interface.  Primary responsibilities will include overseeing laboratory-scale experiments, data collection and analysis, active participation in scientific conferences, and timely publication of experimental and modeling research.  Experience in the use and application of spectroscopic and computational methods used to characterize the structure of alumino-silicate minerals and glasses, particularly the use of neutron diffraction through the use of ORNL’s new Spallation Neutron Source, is highly desired.

Job Requirements 
Ph.D. required in Geochemistry, Environmental Science, Soil Chemistry, Chemistry, or related field.  Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment.

Technical Questions:

Technical Questions:  Questions regarding the position can be directed to Dr. Eric Pierce at pierceem at  Please include the requisition number and title when corresponding.