PhD scholarships for Biology/ Biochemist at Univ Mainz

Diposkan oleh Jurnalis on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Graduate School of Immunotherapy (GK1043), funded by the German Research Council (DFG), invites applications for scholarships (PhD students) within our PhD/MD PhD Program:

The following position is currently available:

Project/Supervisor: B2 / Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Heinz Decker
Start: immediately
Funding period: 3 years  

Research Focus:
Structure, dynamic and function of hemocyanin and its importance for medicine and immunologyMethods:
• analytical and preparative biochemical methods
• thermodynamics (ITC, DSC)
• hydrodynamics (analytical ultracentrifugation, small angle x-ray scattering, Kratky camera, light scattering
• crystallization of proteins and crystal structure resolution
• cryo-electron microscopy with AG Markl (B1)
• homology modeling, molecular dynamics
• FRET, fluorescence microscopy
• standard methods in molecular- and cell biology

We provide …

… a challenging project in an active research laboratory in molecular biophysics and biochemistry providing at the same time a collegial environment and a close guidance at all stages of the PhD work. In addition, the Graduate program provides excellent opportunities for learning and the advancement of a scientific career: Extensive trainings in basic and clinical immunology as well as in a broad array of biophysical, biochemical and biomedical methods are complemented by courses fostering the soft skills of our students, e.g. presentation of research data, scientific writing and teaching skills. This curriculum is meant to facilitate and promote the scientific independence of our graduates.
We expect …
… applicants to have a university degree (Master of Science or German diploma) in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry Physics or a related field with excellent grades. In the multifaceted, interdisciplinary, and international environment of the program, high motivation, goal orientation, team spirit, and enthusiasm for biomedical research are essential. Basic experiences in structural biophysics, immunology, molecular- and cell biology are advantageous.
Please submit your CV, copies of your exams, a bibliography, a letter of support from a former supervisor or contact information of two referees to the contact address below.

Selected References

Rolff et al (2011) Chem Soc Rev, in press; Jaenicke et al. (2010) Biochemical J. 426:373-378; Cong et al. (2009) Structure 17:749; Meesters et al (2009) Proteins 75:118-126; Decker et al (2006) Highlight in Angewandte Chemie Engl Ed., 45, 4546; Decker and Tuczek (2000): Trends in Biochem. Sci. 25:397

Contact Information:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. Decker
Jakob Welder Weg 26
55118 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (0) 6131 39-23570; Telefax: +49 (0) 6131 39-23557