The IET Ambition Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

Diposkan oleh Jurnalis on Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The IET Ambition Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students
Scholarship for international undergraduate student in the field of Engineering and Technology, UK
Study Subject: Various field of Engineering and Technology
Employer: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Level: Undergraduate

Scholarship Description: Scholarships are only available for accredited courses at UK universities. International students who are or who will be studying in the UK are welcome to apply.
-You must supply full, correct details of your selected university (e.g. ‘Manchester Metropolitan’, not ‘MMU’), degree type and course title (e.g. ‘BEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering’) and the UCAS code for your course (e.g. H600). If you are not sure of any of these, please check with the university. Applications with incomplete or incorrect course details will not be accepted.
-Date of commencement is the month and year you started or propose to start the degree course (not including foundation years).
-If you are not already at university, please scan and send any documentation from UCAS or your chosen university which confirms registration on your degree course.
-If you do not require a visa to study in the UK, you may apply for an undergraduate scholarship for degree courses starting in 2011. If you have not yet applied to universities and are applying for a scholarship to start in 2011, you must still complete the full details of the degree course for which you intend to apply, in order to enable the Panel to make an in-principle decision.
School/6th form /FE college:
-If your exam results are not available, please insert provisional results onto the form and mark them as provisional.
-Note for international students on UK school qualifications:
-GCSE: usually taken at age 15/16
-‘AS’ Level: usually taken at age 16/17
-‘A’ Level: usually taken in the final year of school at age 17/18, equivalent to US graduation, International Baccalaureate, etc.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 June 2011
